All documents in one place.

Here you can quickly and easily find all our brochures and technical detail brochures. Below on the page, you will also find a simple overview of our products with images. Discover comprehensive information about our products - easily and directly.

All the documents below are currently in German.
Please contact us directly if you need any assistance


Genesis Typ B

Elvoron H

Inclined platform lifts

Slope inclined platform lift Aritra (only available in German)

Inclined platform lift Artira inside

Inclined platform lift X3 for straight stairs

Vertical platform lifts

Savaria Multilift (in- & outside)


Primo (For straight and curved stairscases)

Rigi (For straight staircases)

Duolex (For straight and curved staircases in- & outdoors)

Solaris (Ordered today - delivered tomorrow!)

Additional useful downloads

  • Meet our sales team

    Meet our sales team

    We're here to help you find the right lift solution for your needs. Give us a call!

  • Enrico Ghidotti

    Enrico Ghidotti

    Sales Manager Switzerland

    Contact / Regions:
    AI, AR, SG, SH, TG, TI, ZG, ZH
    Phone: 041 854 78 23
    Mobile: 079 251 42 26

  • Marcel Wicki

    Marcel Wicki

    Sales Consultant

    Contact / Regions:
    AG, GL, GR, LU, NW, OW, SZ, UR
    Phone: 041 854 78 27
    Mobile: 079 373 62 56

  • Marcel Schulz

    Marcel Schulz

    Sales Consultant

    Contact / Regions:
    BE, BL, BS, FR, VS, SO
    Phone: 041 854 78 28
    Mobile: 079 303 60 03

Providing you with the right product for your needs

Contact us for a free consultation tailored to your needs. Additionally, you can book a visit to our showroom - either virtually or in person.

Free consultation

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Garaventa Lift solutions



Our homelifts not only provide an elegant solution for your home but also stand out for their straightforward installation process and minimal maintenance requirements, ultimately enhancing the overall value of your property.

Inclined platformlifts

Inclined platformlifts

The platform lifts can be easily retrofitted to buildings – whether indoors or outdoors, on straight or curved stairs.



When the stairs suddenly become an obstacle? Then a Garaventa Lift stairlift is an invaluable relief indoors or outdoors.

Vertical platformlifts

Vertical platformlifts

The multilift is a vertical platform lift designed for height differences of up to 1.80 meters indoors and outdoors. It is engineered to be installed with minimal or no structural modifications.