Installation of homelift enhances multi-family house in Lucerne
This project involves the installation of a home lift in Lucerne designed to provide residents with unparalleled comfort.

The home lift complies with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and the SN EN 81-41 (vertical platform lifts) and is powered by a 2.2 kW spindle drive system. It operates on a 230 V / 16 A / 50 Hz power supply and has a maximum load capacity of 400 kg, ensuring smooth and safe transportation. With a height of approximately 8.35 meters, the lift serves four stops and allows access from four different points. The bi-directional home lift has been carefully planned and executed to enhance the convenience and comfort of the living space.
Technical details of the homelift in Lucerne
Basic Information
- Guidelines: Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and SN EN 81-41
- Drive System: Spindle drive
- Drive Power: 2.2 kW
- Power Supply: 230 V / 16 A / 50 Hz
- Load capacity: 500 kg
Dimensions and Speed
- Lift Height: approximately 8.35 meters
- Number of Stops: 4
- Number of Entrances: 4
- Access Side: Bi-directional
- Speed: 0.15 m/sec
Additional Technical Details
- Machine Room: No machine room
- Ground Clearance: 50 mm with pit
- Overrun/Shaft Height: 2250 mm
- Emergency Lowering: Battery-powered emergency lowering
- Operation: Impulse and continuous contact (deadman)
Drive System
- EcoSilent Technology: Low noise and energy efficient.
- Sound-isolated Drive System: With roller guides.
- Sound Pressure Level: Less than 40 dB(A).
Garaventa Lift - Tailored Home Lift Solutions
For years, Garaventa Liftech AG has been synonymous with quality and expertise in the field of home lifts. With our profound know-how and extensive experience, we guarantee you a reliable and tailored solution for your individual needs.
Homelift Genesis Typ B
Thanks to its flexibility in terms of size and design options, the Genesis Type B Homelift is an excellent choice for stores, restaurants, offices and public buildings as well as residential buildings.
- Space-saving
- Panorama lift shaft
- Without machine room
- No shaft pit required
- Low overhead clearance